Applications are currently on going for the Women leadership programme which will be taking place at Coardy Institute Canada on May 8- May 25 2017. This programme is only available to women who works in the development sector and uses it to impact positively in our society.
This program enables women to be masters of their own destinies thereby ensuring them to step into leadership positions to make their society a better place
Organizational benefits:
- Participants will develop leadership and vision approaches that are women-inclusive which will lead to social change and innovation.
- Participants will develop women sensitive approaches and structures to increase the social capital in organizations.
As a result of this programme, participants personal benefits are as follows:
- Build a leadership profile to acquire your uncover strength and capacity
- Assess life experiences for personal strength and motivations.
- Learn practical new ways of moving development forward
- Come together with group of women that will constraint the limit of development
To be eligible for this programme, participant must:
- Be a women who is interested in developing as a leader.
- Have strong leadership qualities and be able to give back to the society.
How To Apply:
Interested applicants should visit this link to apply.
Application Deadline:
The application deadline for this programme is on 5th December 2016.
Please visit the official website for more information.