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2024 TU Delft Scholarships, The Netherlands

Note: To successfully apply for this scholarship, ensure you read all instructions on this page.
February 1, 2024

TU Delft Scholarships is in two categories: The Sub-saharan African and the young African scholars. The Sub-saharan African provides two full scholarship to students from Sub-Saharan Africa aged between 22 and 28 to participate in the Summer School.

The Young African scholars for teachers is intended for young African teachers who wish to attend the Summer School Planning and Design with Water, organised yearly by the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft.

The TU Delft Scholarships is open to exceptionally motivated individuals with excellent communication skills, leadership qualities and capacity to work in a group in a collaborative way, who can demonstrate they will give a notable contribution to the Summer School and who can act as multipliers of the knowledge acquired at their home institutions.

Selected students are expected to act as ambassadors for TU Delft, the Department of Urbanism and the Delft Global Initiative and will help promote our learning philosophy and values.

Type: Undergraduate

Application Deadline: February 1, 2024

Value & Duration of Award: The winner of the scholarship will have the following benefits:

  • Ticket from and to your country of residence
  • Accommodation during the summer school
  • Meals and transportation allowance

The scholarship covers costs up to 2000 euros

Eligible Countries: Sub-Saharan African Countries

Eligibility: To be considered for the TU Delft Scholarships, you must:

  • Be 35 years old or younger by December of the year of application.
  • Be affiliated to a higher education or research institution, or to a local or national government. This scholarship is for young teachers or civil servants working with urban or regional planning.
  • Be able to provide proof of affiliation (letter confirming you are affiliated to an institution or local government, signed and stamped).
  • Be able to speak fluent English.
  • Be able to teach the principles learned at the Summer School at their institutions of origin (they must have a teaching or instructor position).
  • Be a teacher or civil servant in one of the following areas: Architecture, Urban design, Spatial planning (town, urban and regional planning), Environmental engineering, Water engineering, Urban law and management, Political sciences, Public administration, Areas that have a close relationship with planning and design of sustainable cities and communities

How To Apply: To apply for the 2024 TU Delft Scholarships, follow the procedures stated below:

  • Please read the conditions for this scholarship before applying, and make sure you are eligible.
  • Write a 800 word motivation letter explaining your ideas and how you can benefit from the Summer School. This is a PERSONAL letter, so you should avoid using clichés and sentences that you find on model motivation letters. We are interested in you as a person and as a teacher.
  • Prepare a two-page CV with your academic and professional information. Don’t forget to explain your activities as a teacher/ instructor, researcher or civil servant.
  • Add a LETTER from another senior teacher or senior public servant from your institution confirming that you are affiliated and what is your role in the institution. This letter must be signed.
  • Prepare a three minute VIDEO explaining who you are, what are your activities and how you think the Summer School can benefit you.
  • Send materials in a zipped folder to [email protected] mentioning YOUNG AFRICAN TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP. Please use the website to send the ZIP file.

Source: https://summerschooltudelft.org/

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