The ECO College International Scholarship is designed to enable bright international students earn top-quality education at Allameh Tabataba’i University – Iran.
This support will provide all eligible students with the educational fund that can be used to cover the expenses associated with study in Iran.
Application Deadline: Throughout the academic year
Eligible Countries: International
Type: Undergraduate and Master
Value of Award: Educational fund
Number of Awards: Not Known
Eligible Field of Studies:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Insurance Management
- Master’s Degrees in Actuarial Sciences And Regional Studies
- Applicants must be international students
- Applicants must have applied for one of the courses given above.
- Applicants must have a high school diploma. On the other hand, to be enrolled in a master’s program, Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree.
How To Apply: Interested applicants will be eligible to apply for this application only after being enrolled in an approved course at the university.
Visit The Official Website For More Information