The Nottingham University China campus offers FULL scholarships for international students which aim to reward excellence and promote diversity among the student body.
Application Deadline: 31st May 2023
Eligible Countries: International
To be Taken at (Country): Ningbo, China
Type: Undergraduate, Postgraduate (Masters)
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Scholarships:
- Nottingham Global Full scholarship is worth RMB 110,000 per student, equivalent of 100% toward first year of undergraduate tuition fee respectively.
- This scholarship is an entrance scholarship only. The fees will be waived from students’ first years’ tuition fee or will be refunded to students if full tuition fee is paid.
- Be an overseas/HMT applicant who have submitted the application.
- Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of AAA in A-level; IB 36 points or equivalent for Qualifying year entry; or AAAAA in iGCSE or equivalent for Primary year entry, as determined at the time of admission.
Postgraduate (Masters)
- Be an overseas/HMT applicant who submitted the application.
- Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of UK first class (70) or equivalent, as determined at the time of admission.
How to Apply: Separated application for Nottingham Global Full Scholarship is required. In order to complete the Nottingham Global Full Scholarship application, a filled scholarship application form is required to submit to [email protected] by the designated deadline. In addition, due to the nature of competition, applicants will be automatically considered to the next eligible scholarships available should he/she misses the first round of selection until the quota is filled.
Application Form: Please click here
Source: {For PG} {For UG}