Shell Ideas360 is a global competition that connects students all over the world to develop ideas to tackle the pressures on the world’s Food, Water and Energy resources. It’s an exciting journey of learning and discovery. Collaborate with like-minded innovators, Shell experts and mentors to expand your horizons.
The Stages:
- Stage 1 = Formulate : Applicants will need to Register and set up your personal profile. You can enter as an individual or as part of a team of up to three people.
You join learning sessions, use the online community to discuss and to shape your idea before submission.
- Stage 2 = Develop : Applicants will need to develop their ideas and have access to:
- A designated mentor
- Expert Development Sessions – support to further develop your idea, Leadership & business skills training to enhance your career.
- Stage 3 = Pitch : Applicants will need to refine their skills.Finalist teams receive:
- A trip to Make The Future, London
- Intensive coaching
- Opportunity to pitch ideas to senior Shell executives, Innovators and Industry leaders.
Prizes And Benefits:
- Stage 1 = Each member of a team that submits an idea receives a 3-month subscription to WIRED’s interactive digital edition (accessible on iPad, iPhone and Kindle Fire) and a certificate of participation.
- Stage 2 = Each member of a team that submits an idea receives a subscription to National Geographic Magazine and a certificate of participation.
- Stage 3 = Each member of the finalist teams will fly to Make The Future, London and receive a personalized medal and certificate of completion.
Winners: The team will receive the Shell Ideas360 trophy and each member of the team wins a National Geographic Adventure.
Application Deadline: The application deadline for this competition is 20th January 2017.
Visit The Official Website For More Information.